A Vegan Coconut Matcha Latte Recipe and its Underlying Benefits

A Vegan Coconut Matcha Latte Recipe and its Underlying Benefits

There's nothing better than a decent matcha latte...until you see the price menu! Thankfully, the internet is filled with lots of homemade recipes. 

Interestingly, matcha beverages have grown to 202% popularity by 2021 in the US. 

But today, we are not here to talk about regular beverages. Instead, we bring you a matcha latte recipe combined with the perks of coconut. With matcha itself being so good, the perks of this combination are obvious. That pinch of the bitter taste of matcha mixes really well with a coconut blend.

(In just a few minutes, your normal matcha tea turns into an addictively delicious magical drink.)

Have you ever tried matcha lattes in a coffee shop? If we’re not wrong, they are way too sweet, right? Being health-conscious, we all know how sugar does no good. But, interestingly this coconut matcha combination can yet become deliciously tasty without added sugar? 

Try making our extremely delicious vegan coconut matcha recipe in the comfort of your home. Follow the rest of our blog to know the easy peasy delicious recipe and its hidden benefits.

How to make Coconut Matcha Latte?

By far, this drink has been on our healthy list of drinks. The base of this drink is obviously matcha. So, as usual, before jumping into the recipe let’s talk about what exactly matcha is because many of you might be wondering.

What is matcha?

Matcha Powder is just a ground form of a special kind of green tea leaf

Note: Matcha Powder is 10 times better than regular green tea. 

The most interesting part is that they are stone ground. If you love organics, then stone grinding is the precise technique followed to create this delicate green powder. 

In fact, it was originally introduced in a Japanese tea ceremony back in the 12th century. That’s how Japanese matcha powder gains its popularity now. To date, the Japanese follow the ‘Chanoyu’ - a step-by-step process of the Japanese tea ceremony. 

If you want to create this tea ceremony, the internet gurus are ready to guide you thoroughly. But, we were about to know the coconut latte recipe, right? Well well, we haven’t forgotten. So, in case you are wondering, now here’s the ultimate vegan matcha latte recipe. 

Vegan Coconut Matcha Latte Recipe

Ingredient list

Let’s collect our ingredients first,

1 Scoop of ceremonial grade matcha powder.

¼ cup of warm water

2 Tbsp/ Maple Syrup(Optional according to taste)

and ½ cup of coconut milk



It’s a highly concentrated form of thick matcha green tea, made with a very little amount of water.

Culinary-grade matcha contains extra ingredients to add extra flavors. The added flavor impacts the quality of the matcha powder

By the way, the better the matcha quality, the better the drink. So, we recommend you buy pure bulk matcha from Aki Matcha. You can get them anywhere in the USA retail stores. Or get them online from our site. 

Our matcha powder is grown in the shady Japanese green tea gardens. You’ll get a first-hand organic Japanese matcha experience grown by our farmers.

Okay, let’s not brag too much and follow the directions to prepare the drink.


Here you go with these 7 steps:

  1. Heat the water. Make sure to not keep it until the boiling point. If it’s too hot the matcha powder can actually burn. So make it a little above lukewarm and keep ready.
  2. Get the coconut milk ready.If you have an electric frother then start right now. But, if you are doing it by hand, then froth it and keep it ready beforehand.
  3. Scoop our Aki Matcha powder into a medium-sized bowl. Whisk it with a bamboo whisk or a regular whisk. It’s your trick to break the clumps.
  4. Next is to pour the warm water into this powder. Now vigorously whisk it back and forth by hand.Is the powder dissolved? Make sure it does, because you want a smooth texture later.
  5. Now, pour this dissolved green tea into your favorite mug. Usually, this amount is to serve two people, so you can split it into two. Or choose a larger mug. 
  6. Now add the maple syrup and stir. (Optional)
  7. Time to pour the milk! For the last time, if you are doing it by hand, froth the milk once more. 

If it’s ready, pour your thick coconut milk over the top of your green tea. You can even make a heart if you are skilled. If not, let’s try not to spill it.

Done and dusted….sip your coconut matcha latte slowly and enjoy your day!

Are you loving it already? We know you’d love it!

Note: The sweetness shared otherwise by honey or sugar is shared by the coconut milk itself. 

Benefits of Coconut Matcha Latte

It’s obvious that matcha has the greatest health benefits. Antioxidants and everything work just like magic. But, what’s in the box when coconut gets blended into it? There are reasons why this mixture is so popular because people are just buying its incredible benefits. Scroll down to check the latest benefits of Coconut Matcha Latte,

Benefits to suck up from this magical drink:

  • It’s rich in antioxidants.
  • It boosts brain function.
  • It boosts energy. (Perfect for morning drink)
  • The L-theanine compound helps to relax and decrease stress levels.
  • The coconut milk is the source of healthy fats called MCTs. (Promote weight loss with increased energy and decreased appetite).

Buy organic matcha from Aki Matcha

We are happy to serve matcha green tea powder in the best quality possible. The organic matcha powder we prepare comes from the hands of our Japanese traditional farmers and from the best-shaded location. So, if you prefer quality then, look no further than Aki matcha. 

Be it a simple matcha green tea or you want to add some flavors like a coconut matcha latte, our matcha powder is sure to do wonders. 

Buy Matcha powder from Aki Matcha!

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