Welcome to the world of Aki Matcha, where tradition meets excellence in every vibrant green sip. Our story is a journey through generations of a Japanese family dedicated to the art and craft of matcha, a legacy that began in 1933 and continues to thrive today.
Inheriting a Legacy:
Rooted in Japanese heritage, Aki Matcha is more than a business; it's a family legacy. The Akiyama family, with a rich history in the matcha business, brings generations of expertise and a profound love for the art of tea. Our commitment to quality has been passed down through the years, ensuring that each bowl of Aki Matcha carries with it the essence of tradition and authenticity.
Sourcing Excellence:
Recognizing the insatiable global demand for our top-notch matcha, we take pride in both producing our matcha and partnering with other esteemed farms across Japan. While our roots are deeply embedded in the lush tea fields of Shizuoka, we source from various regions, meticulously selecting only the finest leaves. Our standards are uncompromising, and our relationships with farmers span decades, blending traditional methods with modern techniques to cultivate leaves brimming with flavor and nutrients.
The Art of Blending:
何世紀にもわたる技術を守り続ける茶匠たちが、各収穫の茶葉を巧みにブレンドし、豊かで深みのある味わいを持つ比類なき抹茶体験を創り出します。Aki Matchaの卓越性へのこだわりは、一碗ごとに響き渡り、日本の茶産地の多彩な風景を巡る美味しい旅へと誘います。
Our tea masters, guardians of centuries-old techniques, skillfully blend leaves from each harvest to create a matcha experience unparalleled in its richness and depth of flavor. Aki Matcha's commitment to excellence resonates in every bowl, making it a delicious journey through the diverse landscapes of Japan's tea-growing regions.
Serving Diverse Industries:
Aki Matchaは単なるお茶ではありません。それは、高級茶道の場、トップクラスのカフェバリスタの作業場、そして食品メーカーや美容スキンケアの研究所で欠かせない存在です。1933年以来、Aki Matchaは一流の卸売サプライヤーとして成長を遂げ、最高級の店舗のメニューを彩ってきました。シェフや抹茶愛好家たちは、その卓越した品質と独特な風味を求めてAki Matchaを選びます。
Aki Matcha isn't just a tea; it's a staple in the realms of high-end tea ceremonies, the workshops of top-notch cafe baristas, and the laboratories of food manufacturers and beauty skincare experts. Since 1933, Aki Matcha has become a leading wholesale supplier, gracing menus across top-tier establishments. Chefs and matcha enthusiasts alike turn to Aki Matcha for its unparalleled quality and unique flavor profile.
1867-1 Aritama Minamimachi, Chūō-ku,
Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 431-3122, Japan
Phone: +818071751896
Email: sales@akimatcha.com
5431 N American St, Philadelphia USA 19120
Phone: +14076971742
3524 Jefferson Commons Dr, Tampa FL 33613
Phone: +18565801666