MATCHA 101 — ceremonial grade matcha tea RSS

7 Proven Benefits Of Ceremonial Grade Matcha Powder For Your Health

Matcha has skyrocketed in popularity lately appearing everywhere from health stores to coffee shops. Like regular green tea, Matcha comes from the Camellia Sinesis plant and has plentiful unique nutrients in it. As we have mentioned in our previous blogs about two main categorize of Japanese Organic Matcha- Ceremonial Grade Matcha and Culinary Grade Matcha both with their own set of benefits. In this blog, we will discuss the 10 proven benefits of Ceremonial Grade Matcha Powder for your health. Before proceeding let’s have a short description of what ceremonial matcha tea exactly is. What is ceremonial grade matcha tea? Matcha comes in a variety of grades, from the best to the lowest. The highest grade is cultivated in Japan...

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