One of the major health benefits of matcha tea is that it delivers a mega dose of antioxidants in every sip. According to the latest innovation in antioxidant research, matcha is packed with exponentially more antioxidants than any other ‘superfood’. Antioxidants have so many benefits to the human body that it is difficult to list them all. Their primary purpose is to regenerate skin faster. It will also protect from UV radiation and prevent many life-threatening conditions. If you're aiming for antioxidants, choose the best source.


 There's a good reason why this tea was used for centuries throughout the Far East. It has been a staple of meditation aids. This is because it contains an elusive amino acid called L-Theanine which alters brain waves so that you can achieve ultimate calmness. These alpha waves are beneficial for maintaining mental health. Matcha tea helps you to age gracefully.



 Nootropics are also known as “brain boosters” or “smart drugs” because they enhance mental performance. There are two different kinds of nootropics: synthetic or chemically engineered, and natural or plant derived. The synthetic nootropics generally come with some side effects and risks such as headaches, mood swings and potential addiction. Natural nootropics -- such as those that come from matcha green tea and all-natural matcha supplements -- have been known to improve brain health in a safer way.
Research shows that natural nootropics, commonly sold as cognitive or natural brain health supplements, reduce inflammation in the brain protecting it from toxins. They also minimize the effects of brain aging and increase the activity of neurotransmitters. Natural nootropics also enhance memory and improve synaptic transmission and neuroplasticity.


Already nearly calorie free, matcha is a great addition to a weight loss program by tackling the problem from both sides. It boosts metabolism and burns fat. One recent study even suggested that matcha may help burn calories by four times. At the same time, matcha does not put any stress on the body. It doesn’t raise blood pressure or heart rate, making it a safe alternative to questionable quick fixes or pharmaceuticals ridden with side effects.
A study featured in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that consuming matcha green tea can increase thermogenesis (the body’s own rate of burning calories) from a normal 8%-10% of daily energy expenditure, to between 35% and 43% of daily energy expediture. 


Green is truly the color of health. Matcha helps to safely cleanse and purge the body of harmful elements. Chlorophyll the element that gives green tea and other plants their signature verdant color is also a powerful detoxifier, helping to eliminate both chemicals and heavy metals from the body. And because matcha is carefully shade-grown, it is substantially richer in chlorophyll than other green teas, making it a superior daily detox.


 While green tea craze is starting to catch on all over the world, it has actually been in existence in Japan, China and India since the olden times. Traditionally, the Japanese, Chinese and Indians have utilized green tea in their medicine to boost the immune system and to prevent various ailments. It is not until recently that the western world has discovered green tea and is reaping a lot of health benefits from it. Aside from just warding off illnesses, green tea has also been proven to help with weight loss, skin care, increasing life expectancy and also improving brain function. So, how does green tea help to improve your immune system?

The secret to green tea’s ability to ward off diseases lies in its antioxidant properties. While the body produces its own antioxidants (endogenous), on their own they are not very effective when dealing with free radicals (waste substances resulting from oxidative stress). Oxidative stress has been linked to various ailments, such as cancer, arthritis, stroke, heart diseases, Parkinson’s disease and respiratory diseases. Inability of the body to deal with the free radicals exposes you to these diseases. It is due to this reason that you need external sources of antioxidants (exogenous), which green tea is a good source of.
Compared to other types of tea, green tea has the highest concentration of Polyphenols(antioxidants). This can be attributed to the fact that it is the less processed type of tea. Fresh leaves of the CamelliaSinensis are rapidly steamed to inactivate enzymes and to prevent fermentation and oxidation of essential compounds. As a result, green tea is rich in polyphenol compounds also referred to as flavanols or catechins. They include -epicatechin, -epigallocatechin, -epicatechin-3-gallate, and -epigallocatechin-3-gallate(EGCG). Immune boosting properties of green tea are facilitated by these flavanols.

Many cancer studies have shown that there is a strong link between oxidative stress, chronic inflammation and cancer. Oxidative stress facilitates the transformation of normal cells to inflammatory or tumor cells. When tumor cells grow uncontrollably, they lead to cancer. It is due to this reason that chronic inflammation is regarded in medical circles as a ‘secret killer’, because (in most cases) it is a precursor to various forms of cancer.
Polyphenols antioxidants in green tea reduce cancer risks by inhibiting or slowing down the oxidative damage process in our bodies. EGCG in particular stops cancer cells from growing and even directly kills them. There are many evidences to support the anticancer effects of green tea. A meta-analysis of studiescarried from 1998 to 2009 showed that women who drank green tea have a 30% lower risk of developing breast cancer. Another study carried out by the Japan Public Health Center involving more than 49,000 male subjects also showed that green tea reduced the risk of men developing prostate cancer by 48%.

Causes of coronary heart disease include low physical activity and a diet high in saturated fats that lead to clogging of arteries (atherosclerosis). Green tea helps prevent coronary heart disease in two ways: first, it facilitates proper function of endothelial cells, which prevents atherosclerosis. Inflammation of endothelial cells leads to atherosclerosis. Secondly, it promotes fat oxidation and prevents obesity. In addition, consumption of Green tea also reduces the risks of high blood pressure, stroke, osteoporosis, Type 2 Diabetes, liver disease, viral diseases and bacterial infections. Some studies found that drinking Green tea will help to accelerate fitness recovery fast than usual.

Ultraviolet radiations from the sun has been linked to various health complications, including DNA damage, immunosuppression and skin cancers like melanoma and nonmelanoma. While green tea does not block the UV rays, it reduces the effects of free radicals and prevents inflammation caused by extensive exposure to sunrays. When green tea is metabolized, the metabolites find their way to the skin tissue fluids and form a kind of protective guard against the effects of UV rays.
A study showed that people who took small oral doses of green tea (2 cups for 12 weeks) experienced less reddening of the skin (erythema) when exposed to sunrays than those who did not. In another study, mice that were administered green tea through water showed less tumor incidences in terms of size and multiplicity compared to mice that were not. Since tumors are directly linked to cancer, reduction of tumor incidences means that the risk of cancer is also reduced. It is worth noting also that the anti-inflammatory effects of green tea slows down the process of aging.


As per the studies in Japan, men who drink Matcha tea regularly are 11% less likely to develop heart problems. This is because it improves good cholesterol and decreases bad cholesterol at the same time. There aren't many foods that can do this. As Matcha tea is so complex, scientists still haven't discovered how exactly how it improves cholesterol levels. Experts are deconstructing the chemical composition of this miracle tea. We can't wait to hear an explanation!


Matcha tea has a natural savory taste. It doesn't need milk or any other addition like most teas do. You don't even have to add sugar to it, as it has a soothing flavor. Most people hate the taste of medications and syrups, so this might be their ticket out. You cannot ignore such a pleasant and beneficial tea.

Jade Leaf Matcha Matchabar ceremonial grade matcha Naoki matcha Encha Ceremonial organic matcha purechimp matcha MatchaDNA Midori Spring USDA Organic Ceremonial Matcha pantenger matcha green tea Akira Matcha Kyoto Dew Matcha Ippodo Matcha Jade Leaf Organic Ceremonial Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder

WHAT IS MATCHA? Matcha is a powdered type of Japanese green tea. Matcha is made by grinding only the youngest tea leaves. Matcha Green Tea Delivers Real Health Benefits. Matcha is rich in catechins. Natural antioxidants. Helps you lose weight. Boosts metabolism and burns calories. SHOP MATCHA CEREMONIAL GRADE HERE!